Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pakistan says stop "blame game" at U.S., Afghan talks (Reuters)

KABUL (Reuters) ? Pakistan on Tuesday called for the "blame game" to stop as the United States, Afghanistan and Pakistan met to discuss security in the region amid a Taliban insurgency and heightened tensions over cross border shelling.

President Hamid Karzai has condemned the firing of 470 rockets from Pakistan into Afghanistan over the past three weeks. Islamabad says only that "a few accidental rounds" may have crossed the border when it pursued militants who had attacked its security forces.

The escalation of fighting on the border between Pakistan's ethnic Pashtun tribal areas and Afghanistan has underscored the difficulties the three countries face in working together to reach a political settlement to the 10-year Afghan war.

"We need to end this blame-game," Salman Bashir, Pakistan's Foreign Secretary, told a news conference after a meeting of three countries in Kabul, without making any specific reference to border shelling.

"We need to take ownership for our own affairs, this problem will not go away if we keep on pointing finger at each other, we have done it for too long and I think it is time that our two great nations decide."

Afghanistan has often blamed elements within the Pakistan government for supporting the Taliban insurgency.

Pakistan blames Afghanistan for giving refuge to militants on its side of the border, particularly in eastern Kunar province, leaving it vulnerable to counter-attack when it chases them out of its own tribal areas.

The talks were formally aimed at mapping out plans for reconciliation with the Taliban, but the shelling had been expected to dominate the agenda.

The meeting, between U.S. envoy Marc Grossman and top diplomats from Afghanistan and Pakistan, followed President Barack Obama's announcement last week of a faster-than-expected troop withdrawal, accompanied by talks with the Taliban.

Top military commanders of Pakistan, Afghanistan and the United States met in Kabul on Monday to review the situation on the border, a Pakistan army statement said.

Pakistan, badly bruised after U.S. forces found and killed Osama bin Laden in the Pakistani town of Abbottabad on May 2, is keen to show it has a constructive role to play in helping the United States to bring stability to Afghanistan.

It has long wanted the United States to hold talks with the Taliban to seek a political settlement to the Afghan conflict which it says is fuelling its own domestic Islamist insurgency.

The United States has come some way toward sharing that view, opening its own preliminary talks with the Taliban.

Karzai has also been pushing for reconciliation with the Taliban and for the first time in the 10-year war, Pakistan, Afghanistan and the United States all share -- in theory at least -- a commitment to seek a political settlement.

(Reporting by Hamid Shalizi; Writing by Alistair Scrutton)


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Palin Dazzles Pella (The Atlantic)

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Arts and Entertainment,Celebrity Gossip News - What is life if not ...

When a baby cries, is it not sad? when a man cries, is it not hilarious?

What of the mocking bird? Who's mocking laugh makes all cry? Do we not kill it? How do we kill a mocking bird?

Here is a poem I've written about life:

There once was a man from Nantucket.
Who carried his life around in a bucket.
Whilst tripping and falling.
He said bawling.
"We are all going to die someday, what does it matter?"


What is life?

What was life?

Thank you and good night.

all i can say to this is good night to you too.

When a baby cries in the delivery room, it is one of the most beautiful sounds ever heard. when a man cries, sometimes it can represent a resuscitated heart filled with new revelation.

Those who mock, are to be pitied, having no life giving philosophy of their own.

?perhaps some of us will live someday, so it matters. it all depends upon your position and point of view.

Lay off the acid and just smoke dope.

lol man cut down on the powder and puff dragon cos u gonna end up all alone wondering why your penis fell off with nobody around even to tell it's your fault(too much jerking off)

seriously now are u stoned?


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We Know Everything About You!

People write about diets, cancer and give very detailed personal updates via social media. Subjects you hardly dared to talk about in the past are now exposed freely online, while more and more of our documents are registered, documented and saved. What happens on the inside when integrity is shrinking?

Let us begin by going back in time, lets say about 10-15 years. You have just been diagnosed with a severe disease, perhaps fatal, maybe even cancer, the unmentionable disease which for a long time nobody really talked so much about. And of course, even less, ventilated it with random strangers you met in town, or at work. But that is exactly what is happening today. Online cancer blogs are fighting with weight loss, maternity and paternity blogs over space. And everyone is talking about everything. Openly.

Earlier shame-filled subjects are now naked for everyone to see. In a way it is liberating with all this fresh air around these previously taboo topics.

But this tells us something interesting about the present. What was once private is apparently no longer so. Is it all good? Or did we lose a small part of ourselves when we made our last self-disclosure status update on Facebook?

Our Privacy Limit Has Moved

Research shows that when analyzing what we display on social media you can see a lot of things that are private and personal. Blogs are typical examples. Blogs like those revolving around life-projects to stop smoking, lose weight, or fight against disease. Several decades ago, it would be completely unthinkable that we shared things like this.

So our privacy limit moves. We are more "human becoming's" rather than human beings. We change and so does our views of what is essentially private to talk about, for example, our political position.

For example, more and more young people are willing to talk openly about this now.

But some things we want to still keep to ourselves.

We are still sensitive when it comes to talk about emotions, what we feel for other people.

Different Levels Of Private

Now you can be online-private, but many also has a deeper private-I, that you just show your friends. And then a third layer, one more which is privacy just for yourself, where you process the stuff free from others pretenses or assessments.

With this mindset, it is obviously not strange that our self-image, our integrity seems watered down, because it only deals with one external and already self-censored personal life. It is personal but not private, as they say. What really concerns you the most, you'll probably not write about.

It might be good for the self-image that you are fairly transparent with who you are. For instance, if we look at strong integrity as it is often perceived as something good. But behavior can also be about a defense that you are required to put up to avoid being hurt, or for something you have been hurt for in the past.

Everlasting Impressions

High integrity can also be used as leverage.

Someone who does not let other in to close can seem strong. With people like this, their silence about their private lives can be interpreted as a - "here, but not any closer", making you feel like only the really special ones will get closer and you are not included.

I think we will be forced to make more conscious choices to preserve the level of integrity we still want to have.

Digital imprint is there forever, and we become more and more aware that what we share stays. But there will also be a higher acceptance that sometimes we make fools of ourselves.

Is It Ok That We Know?

1. What you look like naked?

Nude cameras are available in several international airports. The purpose of a body scanner is to reveal if you have explosives. But even silicone implants or other intimate things can be seen.

2. What kind of ketchup you like?

When you swipe your customer loyalty card it also stores information about your shopping habits. The store then sends out ad coupons that match your tastes and hopes to keep you as a loyal customer.

3. How you move around, in your free-time, at home in the city where you live?

Several optional location-based services, like Facebook Places, interact with your mobile phone with GPS and let your friends know what neighborhoods you are in.

4. To which countries you like to travel?

Something like the Data Inspection Board, or similar in several countries have criticized travel agencies or travel companies for saving information about its customers' travel destinations unjustifiably long.

5. Who you are talking with on the phone and what is in your email?

In some countries it is legal to listen in to your phone calls or read your email.

6. How you travel?

Smart cards have made it possible for public companies to identify individuals traveling. Where and how long this information will be saved is still a controversial issue.

7. What do you like, what are your interests?

Google stores information about what you've searched on, to be able to present advertisements that may entice you.

8. How do you drive - if no speed cameras are watching you?

In the future there will be cars with a built computer box, that keeps track. Marketing companies have tested the technology. The idea is that anyone who install a computer box also may substantially lower the cost of their insurance since they are expected to drive more safely.


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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet: On the Page and on the Stage | Submit ...

Professors can take the lot of approaches when it comes to training Shakespeare. Some professors would learn the Bard?s functions similar to they would any alternative kind of literature: with lots as well as lots of theory. Economic speculation for The Merchant of Venice, secular speculation for Othello, psychoanalytic speculation for A Midsummer Night?s Dream, only to name the few.


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Rochester Minnesota Arts and Entertainment

For a number of years, Rochester, MN has been labeled as one of America?s finest cities for newly weds. One of the reasons for this label could be the wide variety of activities that stray from the ordinary dinner and a movie date night. Rochester is home to a variety of art centers and theatres, and offers musical performances throughout the year. The arts and entertainment found in Rochester helps to demonstrate that this is a city that understands the importance of the abstract side of life.If one is seeking to view an art gallery or museum, there are four popular options to choose from in Rochester:- Rochester Art Center ? Newly remodeled and moved in May 2004, the Art Center is a relatively small center which holds no permanent collections inside. Instead, the center hosts a variety of temporary travelling collections which change throughout the year. Nearby, the outdoor Zumbro Gardens is a terraced park and sculpture lawn which leads down to the edge of the Zumbro River.- SEMVA Art Gallery ? The South East Minnesota Visual Artists Gallery, located in the Peace Plaza in downtown Rochester, offers mainly works from southeastern Minnesota Artists. The variety of works includes pottery, woods, clothing, fabrics, and canvas displays.- Mayowood Galleries ? Fine antiques and gardent accents from 18th and 19th century England can be found at Mayowood Galleries. Two locations are available, at the Mayowood Mansion and downtown Rochester.- History Center of Olmsted County ? For more of a historical display, the History Center offers a Histry Library, a Genealogy Center, as well as a display of the history of Rochester and the surrounding area. The History Center also owns and operates Mayowood Mansion.After a morning or afternoon of visiting an art gallery or museum, the possibility exists to view a live production at one of the three theatres in Rochester:- Masque Youth Theatre ? The Masque presents a variety of children?s plays from October to June. The goal of the Masque is to involve young people in theatre arts, and it successfully does that by using children as actors and providing plays that would interest the child found in everyone.- Rochester Civic Theatre ? A variety of perfomances can be found at the Civic Theatre. The venue offers nine perfomances a year, including dramas, comedies, and musicals. Previous shows have included Fiddler on the Roof and The Adventures of Stuart Little.- Rochester Repertory Theatre ? The Repertory Theatre offers performances of classical and contemporary works by a variety of artists. Some previous shows have included Three Tall Women, The Foreigner and FoxFire.Rochester?s music scene also offers a wide variety of options. Apart from the countless restaurants, bars, and pubs that offer live music free of charge on various nights, there are a few large groups that perform in Rochester throughout the year. These groups are comprised of members of the community, sharing their talents in order to give back to the city they call home. The list below offers a glimpse at the musical choices of Rochester. It is by no means the only groups and performances available.- Rochester Civic Music ? Presented by the City of Rochester, free live music is offered to the community through the ?Down By the Riverside? outdoor summer concert series. Artists have included Three Dog Night, Peter Fischer, The Marshall Tucker Band, and many local acts.- Rochester Symphony Orchestra & Chorale ? Jere Lantz, music director and conductor, leads this group?s perfomances of a variety of works through the year.- Rochester Community Band ? Offering quarterly performances, and a few additional sumer festivals, the Community band is open to all people, regardless of skill level. The band emphasis lies on using your talents and having fun while performing modern and classic music.- Chorale Arts Ensemble ? This group is dedicated to the creation and performance of new music, and also to the presentation of music from the Renaissance to the 20th century. Forty voices, chosen by audition, make up this choir which performs choral and orchestral masterworks and vocal jazz.- Southeast Minnesota Youth Orchestra ? SEMYO brings middle and high school students together to study music, learn to work and perform together, and to contribute to the cultural life of the community.- Swing Street ? One of the most well known jazz bands in Rochester, Swing Street plays at community events and private functions throughout the year. The group?s love of jazz shows with a repertoire that extends from the early days of jazz to modern arrangements.As evidenced by the list above, Rochester certainly has a wide variety of options when it comes to Arts and Entertainment. Both newly weds and everday-citizens alike can enjoy the countless performances and art galleries offered throughout the year.

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What Joy Loverde Wants You to Know About ... - Elder Care ABC

by Joy Loverde

One of the things I love most about modern family caregiving is the use of technology in everyday life. My laptop, cell phone, GPS among other gizmos are my new best friends.? Used to be I couldn?t be in two places at once; but not anymore. Technology allows me to stay in touch even when I?m thousands of miles away.

If you?re like me you may often wonder in the course of the day if your parents are safe and sound.? When Mom doesn?t answer the phone and I know she?s home, my heart skips a beat.? When my absent-minded Uncle Frank tells me he?s making a bowl of soup for lunch, I wonder if he remembers to turn off the stove. Caregiver stress like this I don?t need, and neither do you.

We can take technology to extremes when it comes to family caregiving if we so choose (and many people do). The option of creating a ?smart house? makes use of wireless, web-enabled technology to control and monitor the home environment. Regardless of where we are in the world, we can instruct our laptop or cell phone to perform a variety of tasks like turning up the heat in dad?s bedroom, turning lights on and off, and opening and closing the blinds. Technology can play a dominant role in ensuring our aging parents? safety and security.

Do you have a parent or other elderly loved one who is hard of hearing? Approximately 70 million Americans suffer from varying degrees of hearing loss. If you fear that a traditional fire alarm will not alert them, you can purchase an alarm that broadcasts sounds at multiple frequencies.

Home monitor systems come in all shapes and sizes and costs, and provide family members an opportunity to observe loved ones at home and be alerted to eldercare situations that require immediate attention. Video Cameras and Sensors help family members respond to the person in a timely manner and help avert problematic situations.

For family members, the advantage of the Video Camera option is the opportunity to observe movements and activities and actually witness potentially dangerous situations. Cameras also record the completion of necessary activities like taking medications or eating. And if you are wary of the people hired to care for your parents, you?ll capture their actions on camera. For obvious reasons, the Video Camera option is a tough sell when it comes to aging parents. Big Brother anyone?

Sensor systems, on the other hand are a less intrusive alternative than cameras. Sensors can send an alarm or email to your phone and/or computer and alert you when your aging parent or the home environment needs immediate attention. Let?s say Dad (who has Alzheimer?s) opens the front door and begins to wander outside. You?ll know in an instant that is the case.

And, of course, there?s an ?App for that.? Apps for live-feed video surveillance and sensors can be downloaded to your cell phone.

To shop for a variety of products and services, review the resources listed in my book, The Complete Eldercare Planner. You can also type the following keywords into your Internet browser: alarm systems, wandering management systems, home security, home monitoring, home safety, home fire protection, home control systems, and web-based home control. And check out the website of the National Resource Center on Supportive Housing and Home Modification:

Stay tuned for Part Two for more ideas on technology and family caregiving.


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Thousands more get 2012 tickets

Lord CoeLord Coe is head of the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games
Related Stories

People who applied for the second round of tickets for the London 2012 Olympics are due to discover whether their application has been successful.

Some 2.3 million tickets were put up for sale on Friday for 10 days on a first-come, first-served basis on London 2012's website.

Applicants will find out whether they have been successful within 24 to 48 hours of applying.

Tickets for 310 sessions went on sale, 44 of which were medal events.

These include archery, basketball, fencing, judo and synchronised swimming and table tennis.

Some half a million tickets are priced at £20 or less. A further one million tickets are priced between £20 and £50.

Payment will be taken once the sale closes at 1800 BST on 3 July.

The London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games (Locog) said: "Broadly speaking, those who applied first, on Friday morning, will be those who hear first."

Tickets had been available in 20 sports - about 1.7 million for football and 600,000 for other sports, including archery, hockey, football, judo, boxing and volleyball, among other sports.

London 2012 - Begin your journey here
London view
London 2012: Latest Olympic news, sport, features and programmes from the BBC

Fewer than half of those who applied got tickets in the first round as demand outstripped supply in many events - massively in some cases, such as the men's 100m athletics final where more than one million tickets were requested.

Those who were successful in the first ballot, held from May to June, will get their own second chance to buy from 0600 BST on 8 July to 1800 BST on 17 July.

One applicant, Andy Pritchard, from Bangor, Gwynedd, contacted the BBC to say he was unsuccessful in his application for second round tickets, an experience which he found "galling".

He said: "I was on the application website bang on 0600 on Friday to make my application and thought I had got tickets to three sessions."

"As they were supposedly first come, first served, I had some confidence that I had been successful. But today I received an e-mail saying I had been unsuccessful and will not be going to the games, which I just found galling.

"I am completely unimpressed and feel let down by the ticketing arrangements. Surely in this day and age a computer system can be devised to select one seat per person. Now I have no tickets for myself or my son."

The BBC's James Pearce said on his Twitter feed that he has spoken to London 2012, who admit that many people have missed out again on tickets.

Locog has also said its predictions indicate more than one million tickets will become available between December 2011 and the start of the Games.

These will come through returns, and as the final seating plans for the venues are finalised.

This article is from the BBC News website. ? British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.


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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Food And Drink Blog ? Finding A Reliable Personal Chef From ...

The idea of throwing out a perfect party might entail the help of a good personal chef Melbourne especially for guests with special health needs. Chefs definitely know how to set-up a menu that would suit a particular crowd or even a single family in that case. Knowing how to find a good professional might be necessary then. Read through for the tips.

Although the availability of online resources and health magazines are undeniably beneficial for those looking for this kind of service, it is much better to consider walking and asking around from experienced people. They could definitely provide information on which professionals they think would work well and those who won?t. Otherwise, evaluating online forums may come in handy for those searching over the internet.

Now that the contacts are in one place, clients would need to call and schedule an appointment with each of the chefs. This is necessary to determine which one would go an extra mile to targeting customer satisfaction. Personality can also be initially judged during the first meeting and this is important to get the task at hand done.

Getting full proof of the professional?s dexterity would be necessary. Hence, it is important that they can present to their clients certifications that come from reputable organizations in the United States such as the USCPC and APPCA. Knowing these, clients can be assured they are hiring someone who knows all the standards of cooking.

A sense of cleanliness is a trait anyone should be looking for in a chief cook. Chefs would be working in the client?s own kitchen in this case and they should be able to determine whether the area is a good place to prepare food. They can always opt for another private kitchen which is properly sanitized according to standards.

Because these professionals work for private people, chefs should be able to display professionalism by considering what their clients have to say. Although they may have a complete idea on what menu to prepare, asking for approval from their employers is still necessary. They should be sensitive to the needs of their clients all the time.

Socially, chefs play a great role in a party since not only would they be responsible for cooking but also for serving the dishes to the clients and cleaning the area afterward. Considering how complex the scope of their work could be, they should display unparalleled flexibility.

Experience is very important for any personal chef Melbourne. In fact, it is already common for them to have a full time job in another restaurant while working part time in a private client?s home. This would guarantee that the professional has current knowledge on what he is supposed to do, thus, allowing for better performance. Read more about: Personal Chef Melbourne

Looking to find the most comprehensive information on Personal Chef Melbourne?


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Best Protein Powder For Building Muscle Revealed! - Health and ...

There are lots of distinct types of protein powder out within the marketplace nowadays, but a frequent query that arrives up is which type will be the finest for me?

What it arrives down to is this, are you currently searching for a powder that?s pure protein, or for the powder with extra additives including carbs, unwanted fat, and creatine items? Nicely, the majority of the powders which have the additives are normally known as mass gainers given that their caloric amounts are truly higher, and for some men and women this will be the finest approach to meet your calorie objectives, considering that it?s less complicated to create muscle should you consumption much more calories although you?re instruction.

Should you be seeking to create muscle although attempting to remain lean then pure protein powders are the top option. Pure protein powders will generally say points like 100% whey within the container, so that they are not challenging to skip. The top factor about 100% whey protein is the fact that it really is reduced in calories, on regular 1 scoop (approximately 23g-28g of protein) is equivalent to only 130 calories. This may be the greatest approach to go in case you are seeking to maintain your calories reduced so it is possible to both remain lean or get lean within the method.

Determined by this, possibly 1 could function much better for growing muscle, everything depends upon how you would like to perform it. Mass gainers will provide you with larger gains, however you also operate the danger of acquiring some undesirable excess fat within the procedure. 100% whey is fantastic should you be seeking to remain lean, but do not anticipate as fast of outcomes in the 100% whey in comparison towards the mass gainers. But, taking protein powder will not allow you to a lot should you genuinely do not know the best way to utilize it successfully.

Probably the most critical factor to think about whilst taking protein powders may be the timing through which you get them. One of the most crucial time to obtain protein into your physique is inside a fifty percent hour of you work out, and utilizing a protein shake tends to make it considerably less complicated for you personally muscle tissue to obtain to because of its liquid kind. Yet another crucial time to obtain protein is prior to you visit bed, this really is critical for constructing muscle because it prevents your physique from getting into a catabolic state, that?s when your physique turns for your muscle tissue for fuel. So, maintain this in thoughts and don?t forget what sorts of protein powders you?re seeking and you must be nicely in your approach to some severe gains!

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The Shopping Region ? Blog Archive ? Footwear ? New Fashion Style

Jun 27

by Senator John

individual would normally give 50 minutes to shop for clothing, for 30 minutes to Beauty Products, 20 minutes to buy supplies and only 10 minutes Shop Shoes buy. But they take two hours to get dressed properly, but each individual is not at all points into consideration. There are countless articles in countless interviews with authors how to dress, how to dress for meetings, how to dress for meetings and the list goes on and on, and every article one of the most important point is always the selection of shoes do you you comfortable in all situations. Unfortunately, no one believes that the point, while dressing. Masses, boys and girls, they do not use shoes that do not match in their dressing sense. But do not worry, we will take you to today?s fashion style, and it refers to a section of the website to shop your shoe collection.

It is so easy online shoe store and to thank God for Technology, which gives you easy matching shoes and accessories for men and women wear. Ever times where everyone wants to save you time and money, and that gives everyone the opportunity to highlight the increase to. Clothing and shoes, many new fashion trends and styles are old Fading up. If you are looking for new fashion styles in their own homes, and travel planning, weddings, buying drinks, so you have the right to the first shopping mall where you can select purchases. You can now buy shoes online shopping, a new fashion style shoes that you can dress for any occasion, such as meetings, gatherings, parties and weddings offer. hectic life is time-consuming, and time for the attention and money to keep the research, we know that you want to shop online. Obviously now you can make a lot of time and money when choosing this new style of Fashion Footwear. Our latest studies and surveys show that online Shopping in India will help you fashion a new style of shoes to choose your door. Since the supermodel life is not so easy, but you can only step to your own collection of shoes you wear throughout the city, or go to college, choosing offices, cocktail parties met friends or relatives, or hunting for fish, who will be more comfortable and competent in your mind.


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Quick Home Improvement Jobs You May Do | interesting articles

When you are facing a substantial home improvement undertaking, it?s really essential that you plan everything out ahead of time. Even if your job needs to be done somewhat urgently, you can save potential heartache by careful planning. Planning and getting organized ahead of time is of paramount importance if this is the first time you have tackled the task before you.

If you search on the internet for information regarding your proposed work, you will find comprehensive information on how best to proceed and exactly what you will need. Checklists, supplies, equipment, helpful hints and expert instructions are just some of the information you can find by searching the internet. Procedures and resources change and improve all the time so it?s always wise to see what?s new regarding your planned work. This is a good idea even if you have done the type of work you are planning before. It is easy to get caught up with the big things when planning a home improvement project. Most of us ignore the components of the actual product itself.

What tends to happen is we don?t properly prepare thus the little things will not be done. Many people that overlook simple things they end up having larger problems to fix. Those are the lessons we all tend to never forget, and it just depends on the nature of the consequences. Also, many of these kinds of little things are the habits kept all along. Home improvement projects and their potential errors are the focus of this article. If you have ever hurt yourself while working on home improvement projects, then you know the hard lesson.

If you have been hurt, consider yourself blessed if you are not actually killed, while working on a home project. Typically, slipping accidents top the list of the most common incidents that lead to injuries at home. Some people fall off of their roofs and injure themselves by landing on the grass or pavement.

If you must climb up a ladder to do a repair, safety precautions must be taken or you may fall. If the ladder is not tied down right, or set on level ground, it is easy to fall off of it if you lose your balance. Many accidents are easy to prevent, and we will cover a few things to help you stay safe. Downtime in many industries is mainly caused by people getting harmed while working. It?s even more of a concern in fields where there is a lot of manual labor involved. The study of safety is actually extensive and much research and money has been devoted to it.

This is because any company wants to lower the number of accidents that take place because it is a financially sound move. All these issues are also quite applicable to DIY projects. You are at least half of the source of income for your home, and you do not want to jeopardize yourself in any way. You also should want to stay healthy and avoid getting hurt. Sometimes the smallest of home improvement jobs can make the biggest impact on your house.

Whenever ?home improvement? is mentioned a lot of people may cringe. Pictures suddenly come to mind of tearing down walls, installing drywall, painting, roof repairs and so forth. Even the smallest of home improvements may end up making the biggest improvement.

Keep this in mind whenever you have some free time.

Many larger home improvement jobs are being put off my home owners due to the current economy.

Below are some inexpensive small home improvements.

Power equipment often features safety accessories.

A safety guard is one such feature and power tools used in grinding and cutting usually come with one. Never remove the guards for convenience?s sake or speed. Since there is a lot of flying debris, you could end up hurting your eyes, face or hands. As we always say, wear a good pair of quality safety glasses, please. You should also always wear leather gloves, along with protection glasses, to keep your hands from getting hurt.

All this is basic common sense and not hard to remember. Unfortunately, there seems to be a percentage of people who will ignore them and get hurt. You can find the names of many companies by searching online who rent scaffold systems for home use. These are very convenient if you have a lot of painting to do. When you have to repaint a ceiling, or high walls, you will discover it?s a lot more convenient to use a scaffold system.

You will come to realize quickly just how convenient and time-saving a scaffold system can be if you try to repaint one ceiling using a ladder. If you have multiple rooms to paint, then a small scaffold will be much appreciated and money well spent.

Ceilings can be the biggest challenge of repainting and using a ladder just doesn?t make any sense. You can only paint a small section of the ceiling at a time. With a scaffold, it?s simple to paint a lot more of the ceiling without having to move. Plus, many of them have castor wheels for easy moving around. Don?t let someone convince you to rent a scaffolding system without castor wheels! The wheels will definitely make a difference in the smooth flow of your job.

When you are thinking about the safety issues you must plan for, one big area is using intense chemical bonding agents and adhesives. It will be very important during some tasks you might have to do to make a plan to protect yourself and your house from damage or injury. If you are working with strong chemicals adhesives and glues, make sure you buy the right kind of protective gloves. Heavy-duty latex gloves are good, or you can ask someone at the home improvement center what they recommend. You can also find heavy duty gloves for working with chemicals, and we have seen these at the local Home Depot.

Many chemical adhesives have carcinogenic substances, but you also do not want to cause any chemical burns on your hands, either. If you are working in a closed environment, then think about using a mask respirator that has filtration cartridges.

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Sleep Apnea Information and Help

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which there is an abnormal pause in breathing or a case of low breathing. It can occur at a frequency of 5 to 30 or more in an hour. This type of pause in the breathing is known as apnea while the low breathing is known as hypopnea and they can last for some seconds to minutes.

Sleep apnea can be diagnosed by a test known as polysomnography, which needs an overnight study of the sleeping pattern and it generates a graph in result known as polysomnogram. The patient suffering from the sleep disorder is hardly conscious about it; other witnesses of the symptoms of the patient while sleeping can only detect its presence.

Here are other bits of sleep apnea information that are very vital for the health and well-being of those who suffer. Although there is no direct cure, there are many treatments that help with the problem. The sooner the sleep condition can be addressed, the sooner something can be done about it.


Major Types of the Condition:

1. Central sleep apnea ? In this type, the brain?s respiration control systems undergo some sort of imbalance due to which the brain does not drive proper signals to the muscles to breathe henceforth there is no muscular exertion for breathing which leads to apnea.

2. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) ? In this type, the brain sends the signal to the muscles to breathe but due to some obstruction in the airway, the effort of the muscles to breathe becomes unsuccessful due to which there is inadequate airflow while breathing.

3. Mixed sleep apnea ? When there is a mixed type of apnea, i.e. a mixture of central and obstructive, it is known as mixed sleep apnea.

Signs and Symptoms

Following are the major signs and symptoms of the condition:

1. Choking, snorting, or panting during sleep

2. Long gaps in breathing

3. Waking up with a dry mouth or stinging throat

4. Morning headaches

5. Restless or restless sleep

6. Insomnia or nighttime awakenings

7. Waking up feeling out of breath

8. Amnesia and difficulty in concentrating

9. Loud and chronic snoring

10. Moodiness, irritability, or depression

11. Daytime sleepiness, no matter how much time you spend in bed

12. Going to the bathroom often during the night

Risk Factors

Anyone irrespective of age and sex can have sleep apnea but people with following characteristics are in the risk zone:

1. People suffering from obesity or are overweight;

2. Males;

3. People over the age of 65;

4. People in relation to someone who has the condition;

5. Smokers etc.

Complications Associated

Following complications may occur in case of untreated apnea (mainly obstructive type):

1. High blood pressure (hypertension),

2. Heart failure,

3. Heart rhythm disturbances,

4. Atherosclerotic heart disease,

5. Pulmonary hypertension,

6. Insulin resistance, and

7. Death in severe cases.


The treatment is aimed towards restoring the normal breathing during sleeping and vanish the symptoms of it. The treatment may include one or more than one of the following methods:

1. Lifestyle changes- In the case of minor condition, merely the changes in life style like quitting smoking or alcohol consumption; losing weight; using sprays or inhalers to open the nasal passage while sleeping etc. may help.

2. Mouthpieces- They are devices generally prescribed by doctors in the condition of either mild apnea or snoring or both.

3. Breathing devices- Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is a device prescribed in cases of mild to severe conditions of sleep apnea. The device gently blows air in to the throat helping in proper breathing.

4. Surgery- People having problem in the structure of airway are prescribed to undergo surgery as a treatment in which the passage is widened. The type of surgery depends on the reason behind the occurrence of this sleep disorder.

Using good sleep apnea information to diagnose and address the problem, those who suffer from this condition are often rewarded with calmer, ?normal? sleep experiences.

James has been writing articles about health issues for over 5 years. Please visit his latest website about sleep apnea at Sleep Apnea Information, with discussions relating to Central Sleep Apnea, for those suffering from this condition.


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Sunday, June 19, 2011

India's Leading Role as a BRICS Economy - An Energy's Tale


May 27, 2011

Author: Justin Dargin, Research Fellow, The Dubai Initiative

Belfer Center Programs or Projects: The Dubai Initiative


Dubai Initiative Fellow Justin Dargin participates in a seminar hosted by the European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS) about India's growing energy demand and its implications.

With the Kyoto Protocol coming to an end, it is the right time to assess environmental trading. With a special focus on the Indian energy sector in terms of demand, supply and growth, the energy markets in India and carbon trading will be taken into consideration, along with its impact on the global energy market. Recently, the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) issued a declaration, outlining a consenus on a wide range of topics, including their future sources of energy, of which ?nuclear energy will continue to be an important element?. In order to address climate change, this declaration can be seen as an important milestone for energy issues, climate change and sustainable development in the BRICS countries. Therefore, the ability of BRICS, and India in particular, to gain secure access to energy through sustainable means will be one of many topics under discussion at this EIAS Briefing Seminar.

Ms. Shubhra Thakur is the Director at the India Rural Energy and Power Private Limited. She is a graduate in Media and Communication Studies of the Delhi University and studied Entrepreneurship at the Indian School of Business. Mr. Justin Dargin is currently a fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School. He is a reknowned specialist in international law and energy law, and a prolific author on energy affairs. He has been quoted and interviewed in numerous international publications, such as the Economist, International Herald Tribune, and Al-Jazeera. He is the author of ?Desert Dreams: The Quest for Arab Integration from the Arab Revolt to the Gulf Cooperation Council? and co-author of the forthcoming book ?Energy,Trade and Finance in Asia?.

EIAS Website


For more information about this publication please contact the The Dubai Initiative at 617-496-3694.

For Academic Citation:

"India's Leading Role as a BRICS Economy - An Energy's Tale." European Institute for Asian Studies Briefing Seminar, 27 May, 2011.


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Saturday, June 18, 2011


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Burma blames Kachin for clashes

Kachin people fleeing fighting near the Chinese border, BurmaLocal people are reported to be fleeing the area where fighting has broken out
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Burma has accused ethnic Kachin rebels of starting deadly fighting that erupted near China's border this month.

Officials told state media the army had to act after the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) ignored an order to withdraw from an area near a hydropower plant.

The fighting was the heaviest since most of Burma's ethnic militia signed a ceasefire 17 years ago.

The Kachin blame the government for the clashes, which have reportedly forced 10,000 people to flee their homes.

The government's accusation in the official newspaper the New Light of Myanmar is its first comment on the conflict.

It said the only objective of the army was "to protect its members and an important hydropower project of the nation".

The Tarpein dam is being built by China to help it meet its power needs.

But the KIA are opposed to the project, saying the dam will be environmentally and socially destructive.

Fighting broke out in the area on 9 July - at least four rebel fighters and a number of government troops have died. The rebels say they also destroyed several bridges.

Rights groups say some 10,000 people have been fled, many of them fearing being forcibly recruited as porters by the army.

File photo of a soldier from the Kachin Independence Army, January 2010 The Kachin rebels refused a truce deal which would have required them to disarm

The KIA is one of several militias aligned with Burma's ethnic minority groups who for decades fought against the central government. They are demanding greater autonomy for Kachin state.

Ahead of the country's nominally democratic elections last November - the first in two decades - the authorities proposed a ceasefire deal to the militia on the condition that they disarm and join a centralised border guard force.

The KIA refused to do so, resulting in the collapse of its long-standing truce with the government.

Neighbouring China has urged both sides to "resolve their differences through peaceful negotiations".

The US state department has called on Burmese government to "cease any such hostilities and begin a dialogue with opposition and ethnic minority groups towards national reconciliation".

This article is from the BBC News website. ? British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.


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One million Bangladesh homes on solar power (AFP)

DHAKA (AFP) ? The number of households in electricity-starved Bangladesh using solar panels has crossed the one million mark -- the fastest expansion of solar use in the world, officials said Wednesday.

In 2002, just 7,000 households were using solar panels but now more than a million households -- or some five million people -- gather solar energy, said Nazmul Haq of the Infrastructure Development Company (IDCOL).

"It's the fastest expansion of solar energy anywhere in the world," said Haq, who heads the state-run IDCOL, which provides financing for clean energy projects.

"We crossed the one million threshold more than 18 months ahead of schedule (and) we have set a new target to cross 2.5 million by 2014," he said.

Rural households in Bangladesh are frequently not on the state electrical grid and so have embraced solar power, helped by NGOs providing panels which can be paid for in small monthly instalments.

Some 60 percent of Bangladesh's 150 million people have no access to mains electricity, with many relying on costly kerosene lamps for lighting.

Years of under-investment in infrastructure means state-owned power plants generate only around 4,700 megawatts of electricity a day against demand of 6,000 megawatts -- which is growing by 500 megawatts a year.

A World Bank report last month said solar panels had "changed the face of the remote, rural areas of Bangladesh," by providing cheap, reliable electricity.


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Friday, June 17, 2011

Blair Underwood making Broadway debut in Streetcar (Reuters)

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) ? Blair Underwood has found a new gig following the cancellation of NBC's "The Event."

He will make his Broadway debut as Stanley Kowalski in Tennessee Williams' "A Streetcar Named Desire," to be directed by Emily Mann. It will premiere in the spring 2012. The theater has yet to be announced.

"Streetcar" is set in New Orleans' French Quarter, revolving around an ex-teacher and socialite Blanche DuBois, who moves in with her sister Stella and her husband Stanley (Underwood). It was last on Broadway in 2005 with Natasha Richardson, Amy Ryan and John C. Reilly.

Underwood's theater credits include the 2004 workshop of one-man show "IM4: From the Mountaintop to Hip Hop," which he created and was written by his brother Frank.


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[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Source: --- Thursday, June 16, 2011
Attention, Kim Kardashian! Little sister Khlo? Kardashian Odom says you may not be too happy with your upcoming bachelorette party. Why? Read on to find out what she just... ...


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Ulrike Hill Reviews A Boerewors Roll for the Soul by ... - Book SA

by Sophy on Jun 14th, 2011

At last, a self-help book for South Africans written by a South African. Unfortunately, the wishy-washy cover was not typically South African.

What do a butterfly and the colour blue have in common with a boerewors roll?

The unfamiliar font assaulted my eyes. If you are going to self-publish, attend a writing course. You need to know about suitable fonts, layout and grammar.


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Thursday, June 16, 2011

When Asterix speaks Chinese

Have you read Ast?rix in a Chinese, Korean, or Arabic translation?

If so, I was wondering what do they with the Latin phrases? Some other translations leave them in Latin as in the original but I was wondering what cultures that are outside Europe and don't have any referent for Latin would do. Do they translate them into the target language or into another high status and dead language?

(I've looked around a fair bit but can't find anything that I can read on this, not knowing any dialect of Chinese, Korean or Arabic.)

posted by lesbiassparrow to society & culture (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite


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The Business of Branding : Convenience Store Decisions

By Greg Ehrlich, Contributing Editor.

As the convenience store industry continues to evolve, one area that is demanding greater attention is brand image. Once a concern primarily for larger chains, brand image is a hot topic for even the smallest of convenience store chains. Foodservice is behind the need for attention. Selling food has proven to be an uphill battle at older stores where little thought was given to store image or perhaps where the store image is outdated.

Forward-thinking chains like 10-store operator Stop?n Go of Medina, Ohio, are building larger new store formats with eye-catching graphics and impressive branded and proprietary foodservice programs. The newer stores present a refined retail experience attractive to broader customer demographics, and they help to build the perception of a quality provider of fresh food on the go.

Favorable perceptions of foodservice are just the start. A strong brand image can also improve other traditional touch points, such as the forecourt, entrance way, point-of-purchase signage, interior graphics, cash wrap and employee uniforms. What?s more, it impacts Websites, social influence marketing, loyalty marketing, digital advertising, text programs and mobile couponing, which have become the new media framework for building ongoing customer relationships.

Business of Branding
While refreshing or overhauling a retail brand can seem like a daunting undertaking, a keen understanding of the rebranding process and its importance is critical. For starters, you have to ask yourself, ?Is rebranding really worth the effort??

First, let?s clarify a few terms. The brand is the sum of the impressions and perceptions people have of your company. It?s not simply your name or logo?it?s the experience, awareness and interaction that customers, investors and even your employees have with you.

Branding is a term that gained popularity in the last 20 years to mean the marketing of products. But the term also applies to the practice of building a brand by applying its identity and communicating its value at the appropriate consumer touch points.

A properly designed brand will provide its customers with a consistent, compelling experience and generates more loyalty and higher sales for your company.

How often stores should refresh their brand image depends on the company. Typically a retail brand identity should be build to last roughly a decade. The size of the company, current market conditions, the stability of the company?s current value proposition and the competitive environment all impact the frequency of the brand image refresh. Some categories, such as technology, may elect to rebrand more often, as their products change frequently.

For convenience store chains, a consistent and attractive store image package provides the foundation for adjusting interior areas that you may want to emphasize as trends change. For example, with foodservice programs growing as a percentage of total store sales, refreshing areas, such as the coffee bar, carbonated and frozen beverages, roller grills and fresh foods justify more frequent updates. These updates could include new equipment, store reconfigurations, line of site changes or category call out signage. Customer service items, such as cups, lid dispensers and menu boards, should be considered when the goal is to drive awareness and sales of a particular category.

Retailers need to understand that if nothing changes in a store over a five-year period, it gradually becomes less attractive and inviting to consumers. Sure, some will stop in because of your convenient location, but consumers that have other options will tend to prefer your stores if you demonstrate a commitment to providing a pleasant, up-to-date and well-maintained shopping environment.

Forecourt Focus
As for fueling forecourts, while the pylon and store entry signs may have a long lifespan, the canopy and dispenser graphics are going to age much faster. This provides a cost-effective and highly visible area to update more frequently to attract new customers to your stores.

What are the key touch points convenience store operators should consider when refreshing or elevating their brand? With any convenience store, the key points begin at the curb. Critical exterior brand elements?the canopy, pumptoppers, pylon signage and storefront presentation?must be designed to create a single expression of the brand. The trick is to consistently execute the exterior elements across all store formats and configurations. Within the store, areas such as the cash wrap, coolers, freezers, foodservice and gondola offer additional opportunities to extend and promote the brand, create a more comfortable environment, and present a store that is easier to shop.

Naturally, marketing and advertising programs flow from the brand positioning. These programs, even if limited to point-of-purchase exterior or interior signage, can really begin to differentiate your stores from independent operators. Other marketing and advertising touch points to consider include Websites, Facebook fan pages, loyalty programs, digital advertising and mobile couponing.

What is the optimal way to approach a rebranding project? First, consider whether you want to conduct a comprehensive brand overhaul all at once or in stages or simply wish to update certain components of your brand. If you are not sure, then consider engaging in discussions with brand design firms. Experienced consultants would agree that it?s a case-by-case decision. Proper assessment (brand and customer experience audits) should reveal the best way forward.

The difference between a professionally designed brand and one done in house or by a less-skilled practitioner is very easy to distinguish. Rely on brand design experts to guide the rebranding program. They will help to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the current brand expression and will help a company understand its current state. Select a partner that has category experience, a strong portfolio and track record with past client engagements. Look beyond creative evidence; look for the strategic skills and assessment processes. But remember: the biggest consultant isn?t always the best and the smallest isn?t always the cheapest.

The best place to start is with a new store prototype with a well-considered retrofit and rollback strategy for your existing stores. As part of this process you should consider cost parameters and work with your design firm to design to your budget.

Setting Standards
Branding offers other less obvious benefits. Properly executed branding improves a company?s impression with its current business partners and opens doors for new partnerships. Branding can influence employee morale and corporate culture. Good branding sets standards to aspire to, helps foster employees? pride in the workplace, creates loyalty and can improve business performance.

People who closely bond with a brand identity are more likely not only to repurchase what they bought, but also to buy related items of the brand, to recommend the brand to others and to resist the lure of a competitor's price promotion.

Your brand image should be carried over into employee uniforms and training. Your staff should understand your brand, the commitment it makes to your customers and their role in providing service consistent with your brand promise. Successful c-store retailers understand the important role their frontline employees play in being brand ambassadors, and have focused on improving employee selection, training and retention.

The battle of the brands is not just between c-stores. Fast food companies like McDonald?s and Burger King are vying for your foodservice dollars and coffee customers, while drug stores and grocers are stocking conventional c-store products. Even Old Navy is getting into the mix, funneling customers through a corridor of candy, soda and novelty items as they approach the cash wrap.

Contemporary retail marketing and rapid improvements in technology present many new opportunities to improve your brand and grow your sales. Now?s the time to take a critical look at your brand image across all touch points and consider your options, whether executing a complete brand refreshment or to simply upgrading a component or two.


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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Villa set to hold talks with McLeish (AFP)

LONDON (AFP) ? Aston Villa are to hold talks with Alex McLeish over their managerial vacancy as soon as possible the Premier League club announced on Tuesday.

Villa - who have been without a manager since Gerard Houllier stepped down because of health reasons at the end of the season - have been rebuffed by Wigan's Roberto Martinez while they opted not to pursue either Mark Hughes or Steve McClaren.

However, McLeish became favourite for the job when he sent an email announcing he was resigning as manager of Villa's bitter city rivals Birmingham City on Sunday - ending his almost four year spell there.

Villa, who had a disappointing season last term losing manager Martin O'Neill early on when he resigned over the lack of transfer funds available to him and then flirted with relegation, said they had taken into account the fact McLeish had been in charge of Birmingham.

However, the 52-year-old Scot, who led Birmingham to their first major trophy in 48 years when they beat Arsenal 2-1 in the League Cup final in February but failed to save them from relegation, would not be the first to manage both clubs.

Ron Saunders guided Villa to the 1981 league title before leaving suddenly in February 1982 to manage Birmingham.

"The club understands that Alex McLeish is a free agent," said a Villa statement. "We therefore intend to interview him imminently.

"In deciding to interview McLeish, the board has taken his tenure at our local rivals and the strong emotions associated with this very seriously."

However, the club said that they would not let that stop them from hiring the former Rangers and Scotland manager should he meet the requirements they wanted for their next manager.

"We are determined, still, not to allow that three-and-a-half-year post to disqualify him should he be the best candidate for the role of Aston Villa manager.

"From the beginning of our search, we have set out criteria based on proven Premier League experience, compelling leadership, an ethic for hard work and, most importantly, sharing our vision for Aston Villa.

"We know that without a shared vision any appointment, however attractive, will ultimately fail.

"We feel it is essential to select a manager who understands and supports our strategy for the club to grow and to be sustainable.

"Otherwise, the natural tensions and competitive pressures that are involved with every season will ultimately cause instability and make continuity impossible."

Earlier McLeish had been defended in the manner he had resigned from Birmingham by Richard Bevan, the head of the League Managers Association (LMA).

"Alex decided to resign because there were serious issues," Bevan told BBC Radio. "It dates back to May when Alex's chief scout was sacked and not being consulted over player transfers."

McLeish, currently on holiday in Corsica, is pursuing a case for constructive dismissal against Birmingham.

Bevan said that Birmingham had perhaps broken employment law in revealing details of McLeish's contract.

"Mr Peter Pannu, a senior member of the board, has put into the public domain confidential information contained in Alex's contract. This is without doubt a breach of confidence.

"It is disappointing that Alex appears to have been criticised for sending his formal resignation letter by e-mail.

"Particularly given that one of the issues Alex resigned over was Mr Pannu's sacking of Alex's chief scout, who learned that he was to be dismissed when he was copied in on an e-mail from Mr Pannu to one of the club's officials."

Pannu had said earlier on Tuesday that, should McLeish join Villa, Birmingham would seek compensation to the tune of ?5.4 million ($8.85m) for the remaining two and a quarter years remaining on McLeish's contract when he quit.


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