Thursday, June 30, 2011

Arts and Entertainment,Celebrity Gossip News - What is life if not ...

When a baby cries, is it not sad? when a man cries, is it not hilarious?

What of the mocking bird? Who's mocking laugh makes all cry? Do we not kill it? How do we kill a mocking bird?

Here is a poem I've written about life:

There once was a man from Nantucket.
Who carried his life around in a bucket.
Whilst tripping and falling.
He said bawling.
"We are all going to die someday, what does it matter?"


What is life?

What was life?

Thank you and good night.

all i can say to this is good night to you too.

When a baby cries in the delivery room, it is one of the most beautiful sounds ever heard. when a man cries, sometimes it can represent a resuscitated heart filled with new revelation.

Those who mock, are to be pitied, having no life giving philosophy of their own.

?perhaps some of us will live someday, so it matters. it all depends upon your position and point of view.

Lay off the acid and just smoke dope.

lol man cut down on the powder and puff dragon cos u gonna end up all alone wondering why your penis fell off with nobody around even to tell it's your fault(too much jerking off)

seriously now are u stoned?


hugo chavez heath ledger ims ipa ipa collage usa soccer

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