A little over 2 years ago in Hawaii a laptop from the DOT Motor Vehicle Safety Office was reported missing. The approximately 1892 people that possessed a commercial drivers license at that time were ?strongly encouraged? to take preventative actions against any possible Identity Theft that might occur from this incident. This is not the only laptop that has been missing or stolen that had personal identifying information on the hard drive and it will not be the last.
Can you imagine what was going through the minds of the affected drivers of what they were facing? ?What do I do?? ?Where do I find information for where I should go?? ?Will this affect my family?? In my career since 2001 as an Information Security Specialist, I would venture to say that the level of apprehension of these drivers went through went from one end of the spectrum to the other. It is a fact that every year approximately nine million people have their identities stolen, some multiple times, and it dawned on me on how identity theft through the commercial driving arena could possibly be a very lucrative cash cow for the Identity Thief. When you think about it the commercial driver is always on the move, their truck or ?Office? carries a plethora of information that would satisfy any thief that knows how to utilize it.
Make sure you read through the next few paragraphs diligently, the issue and the answers have different variants. With all the amenities that trucks have nowadays if the driver is not organized and well-informed on what Identity thieves can use to commit their crime drivers could be placing themselves in a situation that they?re not prepared for or care to be in.
Identity Theft Prevention Tips | Protect Your Identity ? YouTube: The ways to protects you and your family against identity theft
For instance in Log Books I?ve seen gas cards, credit cards, receipts and other items one wouldn?t recognize that could be information an identity thief would use. Credit and gas cards are fairly easy to dispute and cancel should they be stolen as long as they?re reported as such in a timely manner to the respective agencies or companies. But nevertheless, some of these crooks that do not look for the ?Quick Buck? will utilize the information over a longer period of time under YOUR name. They can open new accounts, IN YOUR NAME, that you?re not aware of because the mail from these accounts go to a different address. This may go on for months or years and only after this ?house of cards? the thief built comes crashing down and you?re notified you owe tens of thousands of dollars the damage is already done. Now comes the painful process of untangling the mess that you?re inadvertently involved in. Because, for true Identity Theft, the average amount of losses connected to it can range from 42,000 to 90,000 or more.
The purpose here is not to scare you but impress upon you of what can realistically happen to you if you?re not diligent with your personal information that you keep in your Semi. I cannot tell you how many times I?ve seen drivers just jump out of their cabs to run into a truck stop to get a refill of coffee, use the restroom or whatever and leave their truck unlocked with the engine running. It takes literally seconds for an Identity Thief to get enough information from you to commit his crime.
Remember, approximately nine million people each year have their identities stolen and Identity Thieves are only limited by their imagination on how they use your information.
For more info go to http://www.truckersecrets.com or click the link below.
Carl D. Clifford has been a Legal and Identity Theft Specialist since 2001. Specializing in Red Flag Rule compliance for companies and businesses he also assists in the protection of families and individuals. http://www.7idtheftsecrets.com
Source: http://no-identitytheft.com/commercial-driving-identity-theft/
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