Friday, September 30, 2011

The Tyrant King Home Screen [Featured Home Screen]

The Tyrant King Home ScreenReader Worlder Mon created this clean, monochrome home screen using a few simple text widgets and a unique icon set.

The wallpaper is a surprisingly cool-looking image based on the popular Pok?mon video games. As far as the tools go, we'll leave it to Worlder Mon to describe his setup:

In this homescreen, there's Widgetsoid 2.x for the Wifi, Bluetooth and Ringer toggle. Widgetsoid also has other options available. Then, I used Beautiful Widgets by Levelup Studios. Beautiful Widgets has the text clock, date widget and the weather widget. The circular battery widget is from Simi Clock widget. Of course, I'm using LauncherPro.

The icons are MetroDroid by yankoa.

Do you have an awesome, tweaked-into-oblivion home or lock screen of your own that you'd like to share? Go ahead and post it on the #homescreenshowcase forum with a description of how you made it and it may be the next featured home screen.

The Tyrant King Home Screen | #homescreenshowcase

You can contact Whitson Gordon, the author of this post, at You can also find him on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and lurking around our #tips page.


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