Royal Dutch Shell's Nigerian division said it shut down an offshore drilling platform because of a leak involving transfer of oil to a shipping tanker.
"The company can confirm it is responding to an oil leak at the 200,000 barrel-per-day capacity Bonga deepwater facility, approximately 120 kilometers off the Nigeria coast. The leak occurred Tuesday, Dec. 20, during a routine operation to transfer crude oil from Bonga's floating production, storage and off-loading vessel to a waiting oil tanker," the company said in a statement.
"An export line linking the FPSO to the tanker has been identified as the likely source," Shell said.
The Daily Vanguard in Nigeria reported Friday Shell stands to lose $21.47 million daily based on the current price of $107.38 for Brent oil.
Shell said it responded quickly as the leak was discovered and "early indications show that less than 40,000 barrels of oil have leaked in total."
Also on Friday, the Nation reported Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Co.'s Oil Spill Response Procedure and Emergency Response Team was called in to manage the spill.
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