Friday, April 1, 2011

Can Sunshine Prevent Multiple Sclerosis | Health Reloaded

For the last few decades we have talked about very little else besides why you should stay away from sunlight. We've realized exactly how real a risk skin cancer can be and are doing everything we can think of to prevent it from happening. We buy the highest SPF sunscreens we could find and then slather on layers and layers of it. We put huge old floppy hats on our heads. We wear long sleeves and also pant legs even in the warmest of temperatures. We do our best to keep only in the shady areas--some have even started holding parasols and umbrellas around so that their skin never comes into contact with direct sunlight. Now we're learning that the sunlight can actually be beneficial! Can direct sunlight actually help you?

A new study has demonstrated that people who allow themselves some sun exposure are less likely to develop MS than those who try to minimize their sun exposure. The study was actually performed to see how Vitamin D affects the progression of Multiple Sclerosis. It rapidly became apparent, though, that the Vitamin D generated in our bodies as a reaction to sunshine is what is really at the root of things. Whilst we all absolutely love the sunlight the reality is that too much of anything is not good for us; you now have to think of this as keeping in better shape and building your body utilising the Truth About Abs For Women or even lose fat quickly. If you get rid of unwanted weight too swiftly then you will not keep it off; just as if you get your golden tan too rapidly by being out in the direct sun light for too long it can harm your skin.

It's been recognized for a very long time that Vitamin D and sunshine can influence the way the immune system works and how it can contribute to Multiple Sclerosis. This specific study, though, is concentrated on how sunshine affects the people who are starting to experience the very earliest of MS symptoms. The target of the study is to discover how sunshine and Vitamin D might have an affect on the symptoms doctors call "precursor" to actual symptoms of the disease.

Sadly, at this time there aren't actually very many ways that really prove whether or not the hypothesis of this study are true. The purpose of the study is to determine whether or not sunlight can actually prevent the disease. Sadly, the only real way to know if this is true is to monitor a person over his or her entire life. This is only way that it may be possible to assess and understand the levels of Vitamin D that can be found in a person's blood before the precursors of the disease show up. The way it is these days, people who get regular exposure to the sun appear to experience fewer symptoms of MS than those who live in colder or darker climates--which isn't new news.

The fact that the danger of acquiring skin cancer increases proportionally to the amount of time you spend in direct sunlight (without protection) is also a problem. So, if you try and stop one disease, there's a chance you're helping to induce the other one. Of course, should you get skin cancer early on enough you are far more likely to cure it. MS continue to has no cure.

So what should you do: chance skin cancer or risk MS? Ask your physician whether or not this is a good idea. Your physician will explore your current state of health and fitness, your health history and even into your genetics to help you figure out if you even sit at risk for the disease at all. From here a family doctor should be able to help you decide the best course of action.

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