Monday, July 18, 2011

Commercial and Municipal Surveys Force Quick Action | Tempe Real ...

Commercial enterprises and local municipalities , contractors and developers , are more and more feeling the economic crunch and the pressure to acheive goals quickly, under budget , and with less waste expenditure than ever before. When this butts up against the necessary processes of renovation and construction , businesses and cities can be hard pressed to bring it in under those strict constraints.

The service most noted amongst those time consuming ones is the surveying process. Everything sits necessarilly idle as the surveyors take the field, while the project director watches his available days trickle away, waiting for the surveyors to finish up. What many don?t know is that with modern surveying methods, that situation is a thing of the past. No more time wasted waiting for the surveyors to lay out their strings . With the technological age has come astounding new equipment: GPS, Magnetometer and Ground-penetrating Radar (GPR), and Spatial Imaging using 3D Scanning for Building Information Modeling (BIM) are all modern day approaches using space-age equiment technologies that take days or even weeks off the time table.

Numerous modern surveying offices provide on-call services for many commercial enterprises, developers and contractors, not to mention local Government Agencies and Cities. They often specialize in Quality Assurance troubles and ?putting out fires?, particularly when there is a time sensitive issue.They apply their experience and knowledge to select the right technological innovation to achieve the most cost effective & timely solution. A good surveying company will have done extensive work on city parks, schools , bridges, tunnels , Commercial High Rise, Roads and Large-Scale Utility Infrastructure Projects just name a few.

?I would like to express my genuine appreciation for all of your help and that of your associates in completing the fifteen ALTA surveys required by our lender in an incredible 13 days. Every aspect of your services from your communication, professionalism , attention to detail and organizational skills were far above and beyond my expectations. We would not have been successful in our efforts without you.?
Lewis Wallach ? President, Professional Financial Investors

  • ALTA surveys
  • Hydrographic Surveys
  • Title Issues
  • Settlement monitoring & documentation
  • Topographic Survey & Mapping
  • GIS team member
  • Quality Assurance
  • Construction Management Support
  • Construction staking
  • Boundary surveys
  • Condition surveys
  • Easements
  • As-Built surveys
  • Lot Line Adjustments
  • Cellular Site & FCC Certification

What all these modern techniques and technologies can mean for businesses and cities can be told in the budgets once the work is completed ; but most of all, the satisfaction at finding one aspect of the job that goes exactly as planned, well, that?s just priceless.

Commercial and Municipal Surveys


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